Microorganisms, that live in symbiotic relationship with the body, will consume the food and drinks you put in, and get out of balance if you make poor dietary choices ( i.e E.coli, the most common urinary tract infection cause, lives in our body symbiotically , but when body is under a stress from eating too much sugar, it leads to overgrowth and causes infection, signalling that body is out balance) also good example are our beneficial bacteria that protect our immune system ( acidophilus bifidus ). They are highly sensitive to foods we eat. That is why we often prescribe prebiotics ( foods that that feed beneficial bacteria), probitoics ( food that contain beneficial bacteria) and or the combo of the two.. It is important to listen to your body and be aware of possible reactions to food as repetitive use of those can lead to serious diseases ( i.e Rheumatoid arthritis is one of those autoimmune diseases highly related to gluten senstiviity). For example when you consume caffeinated drinks or eat or drink sugary drinks or food, the initial reaction to sugar or caffeine is so satisfying that you don pay attention to what follows shortly after and that is energy crash and feeling down.
It is important to eat real food, locally grown, ideally organic, free range at least, fresh, seasonal ( meaning not eating strawberries or tomatoes in winter time) not packaged (if you can’t recognize or read items on packaged food , it is not good for you). If you do so, I am positive that you will stay healthy and free of disease and even be able to reverse a dis-ease.
Chronic illness in our industrialized nation is progressively getting worse with availability of fast foods, convenience foods, packaged foods ,fake foods, canned food, that are suppose to make our lives easier in todays busy world.
People don’t have time to worry about how their food was grown or even worse to take time to prepare food properly, from scratch. But there is the price we have to pay for this.
Not that long ago, 1988 when US general surgeon acknowledged the benefits of a good diet in prevention of most common killlers like CHD,( coronary heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, diabetes and some cancers), food had finally began to be recognized as the important healing force.
“Leave your drugs in the cheimist’s pot if you can cure the patient with food” ( Hippocrates, father of medicine, 420 BC)