• Hormone Balancing for healthier and more beautiful you!

    Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy has received increasing attention since the results of women’s health Initiative were announced about HRT or conventional hormone replacement therapy: synthetic hormones don’t work as predicted and , worse they pose a health threat to women.( cancer and clot-inducing properties of Premarin and synthetic Progestins)
    Now milions of women  concerned about aging are looking for alternatives to HRT and finding them in natural hormones.

    Do you know the What is Natural Hormone?What is the difference between Bio-identical  and synthetic?

    Natural or bio-identical progesterone is manufactured in laboratory but it has the identical molecular configuration of the progesterone that your body makes, so the body can make better use of it and make other hormones. The source is un immportant in this case, if ti is the identical molecule to human body , it is the identical hormone. For example, hormone “Povera ” is made from the same substances that natural progesteron is made from, but the molecular configuration of it is changed in the laboratory  so that it is not identical to anything found in nature. The same applies to Estrogens. PRemarin is made of half horse half human so it is natural only if you are half horse and half human.
    Natural estrogens found in wild yam or soybean are identical to those made by humans. They are available in form of creams, tablets etc.  Plants have hormone like effect stimulating our own hormone production. So there is no reason to take horse estrogen.they should be reserved for horses.

    We offer lifestyle coaching and use an array of other naturopathic treatments to achieve the optimal results.

    If you have any of these symptoms you are suffering from hormonal imbalance:

    excessive hot flushes, night sweats
    irregular or heavy periods, PMS
    Breast tenderness
    Low sex drive
    painful intercourse
    vaginal dryness
    excess hair
    Hair thininig
    brown spots
    unexplained weight gain
    water retention, bloating
    Fatigue/low energy
    Foggy thinking
    Mood swings or irritability
    Anxiety Depression
    Hypoglycemia, Diabetes

    Remember, we can detect, prevent and reverse any signs of aging.
    Choose healthy aging!

    Dr.Sanja Tamburic ND

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  • Posted by Nevenka Savatovic on July 15, 2015, 6:54 pm

    Postovanje dr. Sanja !

    Ako imate slobodnog prostora za petak, volela bih da dodjem na konsultacije vezane za lecenje i izlecenje usporenog rada stitne zlezde na prirodan nacin.

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  • Posted by Randelovic Miodrag on November 27, 2015, 9:58 am

    Postovanje dr Tamburic,
    Zovem se Miodrag Randjelovic i po struci sam hiroprakticar.. Radim najvise sportsku medicinu ali radim sa drugim pacijentima po potrebi.. Radim u B. Luci gde imam i ordinaciju.. Radio sam dugo u Grckoj.. Pre neki dan sam preuzeo i g-dju Jadranku Stojakovic sa ASL- om.. Sa vama je stupila kontakt i g-dja Maja Tatic.. Interesuje me vase misljenje.. U ove prve dve terapije sam radio iskljucivo akupresuru zbog trenutnog stanja i oseca i sama da ima olaksanja.. Pored nje imam i jedan takodje specifican problem sa jednim pacijentom koji ima neverovatan spazam muskulature posebno cerviko-brahijalnog dela.. Sve sto vam treba od informacija, poslacu vam i dati, da bih cuo vase strucno misljenje.. U nadi da cete nam pomoci, hvala Vam punoo.. Veliki pozdrav iz Banja Luke

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  • Posted by Randelovic Miodrag on November 27, 2015, 9:58 am

    Postovanje dr Tamburic,
    Zovem se Miodrag Randjelovic i po struci sam hiroprakticar.. Radim najvise sportsku medicinu ali radim sa drugim pacijentima po potrebi.. Radim u B. Luci gde imam i ordinaciju.. Radio sam dugo u Grckoj.. Pre neki dan sam preuzeo i g-dju Jadranku Stojakovic sa ASL- om.. Sa vama je stupila kontakt i g-dja Maja Tatic.. Interesuje me vase misljenje.. U ove prve dve terapije sam radio iskljucivo akupresuru zbog trenutnog stanja i oseca i sama da ima olaksanja.. Pored nje imam i jedan takodje specifican problem sa jednim pacijentom koji ima neverovatan spazam muskulature posebno cerviko-brahijalnog dela.. Sve sto vam treba od informacija, poslacu vam i dati, da bih cuo vase strucno misljenje.. U nadi da cete nam pomoci, hvala Vam punoo.. Veliki pozdrav iz Banja Luke

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British Columbia
V6H 4A6
Phone: 604 738 2111