“let your food be your medicine and your medicine by your food” ( Hippocrates). Good nutrition is the basis of good health. “ you are what you eat”. Food allergy testing and individualized diet plans…
Botanical medicine is the oldest, safest and most widely used form of medicine without side effects experienced with use of pharmaceutical prescription drugs.
is one of the oldest, most complex independent medical systems widely used today to diagnose ,prevent , and treat disease. It does so by discovering the “patterns of disharmony” and treating the imbalance using herbs, acupuncture , diet and lifestyle changes.
IV Therapy - most efficient way to provide vitamins and nutrients when there is higher demand for them ( i.e colds/flu; intense athletic training; cancer; chronic disease like thyroid and fibromyalgia; autoimmune disease heavy metal toxicity…)
What’s stressing your body? Biofeedback devices, such as Scio-EPFX, scan your body much as a virus scan does on a computer to reveal food sensitivities, viruses, nutritional imbalances, and allergies.