Today, Dr. Tamburic approaches health in a new way: offering a complete system of care, which involves biofeedback testing, to assess organ weaknesses, food sensitivities, and individualized treatment plan using diet, homeopathy, botanicals, vitamins ,acupuncture, Bowen ( type of body work) or intravenous therapies. She is also licensed to prescribe pharmaceuticals but she reserves those for difficult or urgent cases.
Her approach addresses the core issues of disease, which involves looking into the past, where contributing factors of disease often originate, the present, where symptoms of disease manifest, and the future where the patient is empowered to maintain optimal health thus preventing chronic disease.
Being mother of two boys, she is passionate about treating children and their families including pregnant women and their partners as she believes that education and early prevention is the key to good health for years to come. She takes seriously the Hippocratic oath of “Doctor as a teacher” and First do no harm” thus her passion are two least invasive and most successful therapies: Homeopathy and Bowen
Dr. Tamburic considers herself as a primary care naturopathic doctor for the entire family offering variety of Naturopathic therapies , Laboratory services as well as Prescription services, and delivers comprehensive, specialized treatments for any age and any condition. Some of her latest interests include: Total Body Modification ( TBM), Dr.Coimbra’s protocol for treatment of autoimmune diseases, Anti-aging treatments, and Biofeedback..
She holds a degree in Psychology and Naturopathic medicine, and is Advanced Bowen Therapist. Currently teaches at Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine.